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Look and feel

Layout drop down Allows you to select a different layout for UltraEdit or UEStudio
Manage layouts Opens "Layout manager" dialog where user may specify active layout (menus/toolbars/dockable windows)
Themes drop down Allows you to select a different color theme for UltraEdit or UEStudio
Manage themes Opens "Manage themes" dialog where you can create new themes or modify existing ones
File tabs Shows or hides the open file tabs
Status bar Shows or hides the status bar
Bookmark gutter Shows or hides the bookmark gutter in line number margin


File view Shows or hides the file tree view (Workspace Manager in UEStudio)
Function list Shows or hides the function list
Output window Shows or hides the output window
JSON manager Shows or hides the JSON manager used for browsing and navigating JSON structures in JSON files
XML manager Shows or hides the XML Manager used for browsing and navigating XML structures in XML files
Template list Shows or hides the template list
Macro list Shows or hides listing of all currently loaded macros
Script list Shows or hides listing of all currently loaded scripts
Bookmarks Shows or hides the Bookmark viewer
Tag List Shows or hides the tag list
ASCII table Shows or hides the dockable ASCII table
Clipboard history Shows or hides the clipboard history list
Cloud Services Shows or hides the Cloud Services window (cloud sync)
Other windows - Find string list Shows or hides the Find String List
Gather windows Automatically moves all undocked child windows within the visible area of the monitor. This is helpful if one ore more of the child windows has been positioned off of the visible area of the screen.