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The find string list is a child window that displays results when "List lines containing string" is checked in the Find dialog. You can toggle the find string list in the Layout tab.

When the find string list is populated with search results, you can double-click lines in the find string list to jump to the matched line in the active file.

After a find with "List lines containing string" is initiated, focus is immediately moved to the find string list so that you can begin navigating the results via Up / Down Arrow. The only exception to this behavior is if "Set focus to edit window after any find operation" is checked in Settings » Search » Miscellaneous. You can press Enter to move focus and jump to the matched line in the edit window.

Context menu

The find string list includes the following context menu items:

Goto Jumps to selected result in edit window.
Copy to clipboard Copies the full content of the find string list to the clipboard.
Copy results to new file Creates and opens a new file containing the full content of the find string list.
Bookmark all lines Bookmarks all lines in find string list.
Show line numbers Toggles display of line number column in find string list.
Highlight matches Toggles match highlighting in lines in find string list.
Refresh List Refreshes the results from the original find that spawned the find string list.