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The Modify tags dialog allows you to modify and add to the tag list.

Modifying tags

You can modify tags by first selecting the tag group, near the bottom of the dialog, that the tag belongs to. Select one of the tags listed, and you can then modify its description, begin tag, and end tag. Click the Replace button to update the selected tag with your modifications.

You can add a new tag by entering its description, begin tag, and end tag, and then clicking the Add tag button.

You can delete a tag by selecting it in the list and clicking the Remove button.

Modifying tag list groups

You can add a new tag group by clicking the New group button. You will be prompted to provide a name for the new group, and you can then begin creating tags for it.

You can delete an existing tag group by selecting it in the tag group drop down then clicking Delete group.

Tag list file

You can change the tag list file by clicking either the Browse or New file buttons. Clicking Browse will open a file explorer dialog where you can browse to and select the tag list file. Clicking New file will open a file save dialog where you can save a new tag list file.

You can also directly modify the tag list file if you'd like. You can copy the tag list file path from the Filename field and then open it via the File open dialog. You can use the existing tags as a guideline for how to add new tags and tag groups to the

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