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The output window is a child window used to capture the output from user tools, find in files output, scripting output, version control (in UEStudio), and various other areas of functionality that may write messages or output. You can toggle the output window in the Layout tab.

All output sent to the output window will automatically scroll so that the view of the output will always be at the bottom (most recent). However, you can configure this behavior by unchecking the "Scroll output" option in the output window context menu.

Generally, any command that results in new output being written to the output window will result in the output window first being cleared before the new output is written.

UltraEdit includes two output windows, while UEStudio includes four. You can choose which window output is written to by clicking its tab at the bottom of the main output window.

Double clicking on a line containing a file name and line number will cause UltraEdit / UEStudio to attempt to open the file at the line number. If the file name is fully qualified the file name will be located and the number after this will be used for the line number. If the file name is not fully qualified UltraEdit / UEStudio will attempt to determine the file name from the first word in the line that contains a period. UltraEdit / UEStudio will then attempt open the specified file relative to the directory of the active file. If the file does not exist in the directory of the active file, UltraEdit / UEStudio will try and open the file from the project directory if it is specified in project settings. If the file still is not located, UltraEdit / UEStudio will then attempt to resolve it to the "default path for relative paths" setting, accessed via the output window context menu.

You can press Enter on a file path while focus is in the output window, and UltraEdit will position to the file / line while keeping focus in the output window. If, however, you press Ctrl + Enter on a file path, then UltraEdit will position to the file / line and move focus to the edit window.

Context menu

The output window includes the following context menu items:

Clear output Clears all output in the output window.
Copy to clipboard Copies all text in the output window to the clipboard.
Copy selected line to clipboard Copies the first line in the selection within the output window to clipboard.
Next message Moves focus to next item in output window listing and opens referenced file to listed line.
Previous message Moves focus to previous item in output window listing and opens referenced file to listed line.
Set default path for relative paths... Opens folder browser to allow you to set a directory to be used for attempting to open relative paths in the output window.
Go to error/warning Opens referenced file to indicated line/column
Set output font Allows you to change output window font.
Scroll output Controls whether output window scrolls to last line when populated or remains at top of window.
Allow docking Controls whether output window can be docked within main application window framework.
Hide output window(s) Hides or closes output window (depending upon docked state)
Use spaces instead of tabs If checked, tabs will be replaced with spaces in text written to output window.
Show tool tips If checked, a tool tip will be shown on hover when a line in the output window is not fully visible because it exceeds the window width.