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The Editor display » Miscellaneous branch of Settings includes the following options.

Maximum columns before line wraps

This setting sets the maximum columns allowed within the editor before it wraps the line (soft wrap). The default is 4096 columns but a maximum of 20,000 is allowed.

Count wrapped lines as new lines in number display

This setting causes the editor to show wrapped lines with different line numbers. By default this is not set.

Disable line numbers

When this option is selected, line numbers will not be displayed in the editor and the "Line numbers" option will be subdued in the View tab.

Start ruler numbering at column 1

This setting causes the editor to start the ruler at 1. If this option is not selected (default) the editor starts the ruler at 0.

Display full paths in project list

If this option is selected, the list of recent projects in the "Recent" dropdown under the Project tab will display the full paths for projects. If this is not selected, the project paths may be shortened with an ellipsis.

Auto-correct keywords

This option toggles the state of the auto-correct feature in syntax highlighted files. If this option is selected, keywords detected will be corrected to match their case in the active wordfile. For example, "javaarray" would automatically be changed to "JavaArray" for JavaScript files. If the wordfile for the active highlighting type contains the Nocase directive, keywords are treated as case-insensitive and will never be auto-corrected.

Disable mouse wheel zoom

If this option is selected, increasing/decreasing font size using Ctrl + mouse scroll will be disabled.

Display CSS color tooltips

If this option is selected, a color swatch tooltip will be displayed when you hover over a defined color value in CSS, HTML, Javascript, Perl, PHP, Python, or Ruby files. You can Ctrl + Click the color swatch tooltip to open a color picker and choose a different color, which will then insert the appropriate values into the active file.