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Set font Selects the screen font to use for displaying text in regular editing mode.
Set hex/column font Selects the screen font to use for hex and column mode using the same "Font" dialog as set font.
Set printer font Selects the printer font to use. If not manually set, UltraEdit will use the display font setting. If the printer does not support the font, Windows automatically adjusts to the closest font.
Reset fonts Resets the screen, hex/column, and printer fonts to default settings
Show column markers toggles visibility of active column markers
Set column markers presents dialog where column marker settings are defined
No scroll left of marker 1 toggles fixed pane/columns left of first column marker
Line change indicator toggles visibility of markers indicating modified lines in active file
Spaces/tabs displays spaces and tabs as visible characters
Line endings displays new line characters as visible characters
Page breaks displays page breaks as lines
Ruler toggles the column ruler indicator at the top of each window
Line numbers toggles the line number display at the left of each window
Document map shows or hides the document map
Active line highlight Toggles active line highlighting – the active line will be colored with the background and foreground colors set for this in the Editor tab of the Manage themes dialog
Active col. highlight Toggles active column highlighting – the active column (to immediate right of caret) will be colored with the background and foreground colors set for this in the Editor tab of the Manage themes dialog
Line spacing - Single displays files with single spacing
Line spacing - 1 1/2 spacing displays files with 1½ spacing
Line spacing - Double spacing displays file with double spacing


Highlight all selected turns off selection of strings matched by a Find with Highlight all items found selected when Use persistent highlight all is selected under Settings » Search » Advanced or when all occurrences of the word under the cursor are highlighted
Make selections converts all highlighted strings to editable selections

Hide / show lines

Hide/show selection hides or shows the selected lines
Collapse all collapses any expanded function or structure in active syntax highlighted file based upon code folding strings in wordfile
Expand all expands any collapsed section in active file
Fold lines toggles visibility of guide lines based on code folding strings in wordfile


Toggle file change polling checks active file for changes at interval (seconds) defined in configuration
Auto-scroll polled files scrolls to last line of polled file when changes are detected (similar to Unix "tail" command)
Always on top toggles setting to display UltraEdit on top of all other applications
Full screen toggles full screen edit mode