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Set column markers opens the "Set column markers" dialog where you can define column marker groups and the column markers to be actually displayed when the group is active.

Column groups
In the column groups list, you can select a group name by clicking on it and edited it by clicking on it again. This allows column groups to be assigned unique names. This list has four associated buttons:

  1. Set active sets selected group active and displays associated column markers in the edit window
  2. New inserts a new Column Group item into the list
  3. Modify toggles the selected column group name to edit mode so it may be renamed
  4. Delete removes the selected column group from the list

Column Markers

The Column Markers list consists of two separate columns, Enabled and Column Number. When a column group is selected in the first list, the column markers associated with that group may be defined within the lower list.

When a column marker is created, a checkbox appears in the Enabled column. You can enter a column number at which the marker should be displayed in the Column Number column. The column marker is only displayed if the Enabled option is checked. In the column markers list, you can select a column number by clicking on it and edit it by clicking on it again. This list has three associated buttons:

  1. New inserts a new column marker item and its associated checkbox into the list
  2. Modify toggles the selected column marker number to edit mode so it may be modified
  3. Delete removes the selected column marker from the list