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Paste pastes data from the clipboard into the document
Paste & copy pastes the clipboard text to the selection (replacing it) and copies the selected text to the clipboard
Paste column pastes selected text at caret position as if in column mode without toggling column mode
Paste special presents a submenu where users may select an option to paste either HTML Source or Raw RTF rather than the selected text only
Copy copies selected text to clipboard
Copy & append adds selected text to end of clipboard (preserving existing clipboard contents)
Copy special opens submenu where you can select an option to copy a selection as a complete HTML document, HTML, or RTF. These options export syntax highlighting and font styling information for the selection.
Cut copies selected text to clipboard and then deletes selection
Cut & append adds selected text to end of clipboard (preserving existing clipboard contents) and then deletes selection
Clipboard selector drop down allows you to set the active clipboard. UltraEdit supports the standard OS clipboard and then 9 user clipboards. See Clipboards help topic.


Find Opens Find dialog, allowing you to search active file for a string, with various search options and settings.
Replace Opens Replace dialog, allowing you to replace one string in the active file or all open files with another.
Previous Searches backward from current caret location in active file for last searched string.
Next Searches forward from current caret location in active file for last searched string.
Filter on selection Filters active file to show only lines containing the selected text.
Find in files Opens Find in Files dialog, allowing you to search for a string across multiple files, with various search options and settings.
Replace in files Opens Replace in Files dialog, allowing you to replace a string across multiple files, with various search options and settings.


Goto positions the caret at the specified line/column number, page break (or file position in HEX mode), or bookmark
Back goes to last position editing/repositioning occurred
Forward goes to next position editing/repositioning occurred (after using Back command)
Last change goes to previous line with unsaved changes
Next change goes to next line with unsaved changes


Toggle bookmark Toggles a bookmark at the current line.
Clear all bookmarks Clears all bookmarks in the active file.
Clear Find bookmarks Clears all bookmarks set by the "Bookmark matching lines" option in the Find dialog.
Edit bookmarks Opens dialog allowing you to set and name a bookmark at the active line.
Copy all bookmarked lines Copies all bookmarked lines in active file to clipboard.
Cut all bookmarked lines Cuts all bookmarked lines in active file to clipboard.
Delete all bookmarked lines Removes all bookmarked lines from active file.
Previous Moves the caret to the previous bookmark.
Next Moves the caret to the next bookmark.


Open from FTP opens an existing document from an FTP site
Save to FTP saves an opened document to a specified file name on an FTP site
FTP Browser presents FTP/SFTP Browser
Accounts... shows or hides the FTP/SFTP Account Manager
Cloud Services opens Cloud Services window where you can access cloud sync
Compare opens dialog for comparison of 2 or 3 files or folders with UltraCompare
UltraFinder invokes UltraFinder for Find files and Find duplicates operations
UltraFTP invokes UltraFTP for (S)FTP transfers

Active file

Show in default app invokes default application to display active file
Copy path/name copies the full path and name of the active file to the clipboard
Delete Deletes the active file from disk. This command prompts you to confirm the file should really be deleted. If the file is deleted from the disk, it is no longer available. This is a permanent file-level delete (not a relocation to the Trash or Recycle Bin), so USE THIS COMMAND WITH CARE.
Rename Allows you to rename the active file by prompting you for the new name. Only the name should be entered, as the path will be the same as the existing path.
Email Attaches the active file to a new email message using your default email application. This feature is only supported on systems with an email application installed that supports MAPI.

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