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The FTP Browser consists mainly of four panes. The top left pane displays the directory tree for the local system. The top right pane displays the directory tree on the remote system (FTP server). The panes directly below these (to the left and right) display the contents of the active/selected folder in each respective directory tree. The bottom pane displays the progress for active transfers.

The following controls are included in the browser:

Account/connectivity controls
Account button presents the FTP Account Manager dialog
Account dropdown allows user to select an FTP account
Connect button initiates connection to selected account's server
Disconnect button terminates the active connection to the selected account's server
Local explorer pane controls
Parent folder button changes active directory to current directory's parent folder
Refresh button refreshes file listing in top and bottom panes
Local folder path field reflects current directory. User may type an existing path and press ENTER to change directories, or use dropdown to select a file path from the typed path history
Browse button opens standard Windows open dialog so user may select new directory
Local filter allows user to specify local folder/file filter for the bottom pane of the local file view using a standard DOS filter. The dropdown provides access to the typed filter history
Remote explorer pane controls
Home folder button changes to the default initial directory or the FTP user's home directory on the server
Parent folder button changes active directory to current directory's parent folder
Refresh button refreshes file listing in top and bottom panes
Remote folder path field reflects current directory. User may type an existing path and press ENTER to change directories, or use dropdown to select a file path from the typed path history
Options button allows user to configure transfer ASCII or Binary type and to choose whether or not to hide directories in the bottom pane of the remote explorer
Remote filter allows user to specify remote folder/file filter for the bottom pane of the remote file view using the LIST command or a local Perl filter as defined in the account settings. The dropdown provides access to the typed filter history

You can select multiple files/folders using CTRL+mouse click or CTRL+SHIFT+mouse click and moved between the local and remote systems via drag and drop. With a directory (or multiple directories) selected, you can drag and drop them onto a folder in the top or bottom pane of the remote explorer to upload them to the desired folder. You can also drag and drop selected items onto a file or to empty space in the file listing in the bottom pane of the remote explorer to upload to the active remote directory.

The following context menu options are also supported in the local explorer panes:

Top pane (local explorer)
Upload sends the entire selected directories and all contents to the active directory of the remote server, provided a connection exists
Make Directory creates a new folder in the selected directory
Delete deletes all selected directories
Rename renames selected directory
Properties shows Windows properties dialog for selected directory
Show Hidden Files/Folders toggles whether hidden files/folders are shown in the top and bottom panes
Bottom pane (local explorer)
Upload sends the entire selected directories/files to the active directory of the remote server, provided a connection exists
Open in UltraEdit opens all selected files in UltraEdit
Open With Default opens all selected files in default applications
Make Directory creates a new folder in the active directory
Create New File creates a new file in the active directory
Refresh refreshes the active directory listing in the bottom pane
Delete deletes all selected items
Rename renames selected item
Properties shows Windows properties dialog for selected directory or file
Show Hidden Files/Folders toggles whether hidden files/folders are shown in the top and bottom panes

The following context menu options are also supported in the remote explorer panes:

Top pane (local explorer)
Top pane (remote explorer)
Download sends the entire selected directories and all contents on the remote server to the active local directory
Make Directory creates a new folder on the server in the selected directory
Delete deletes all selected directories
Rename renames selected directory
Permissions shows permissions dialog where user can adjust standard Unix file system permissions
Bottom pane (remote explorer)
Download sends the entire selected directories and all contents on the remote server to the active local directory
Open in UltraEdit downloads and opens all selected files in UltraEdit
Make Directory creates a new folder in the active remote directory
Create New File creates a new file in the active directory
Refresh refreshes the active directory listing in the bottom pane
Delete deletes all selected items
Rename renames selected item
Permissions shows permissions dialog where user can adjust standard Unix file system permissions