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The Toolbars / menus » Web search branch of Settings provides an interface where you can customize what is inserted when clicking the HTML buttons in the HTML toolbar (while in toolbar mode) or in the "Insert HTML tag" group of the Coding tab.

When a button is selected from the icon row at the top of the window, the HTML tag or text assigned to this button is displayed in the text area window. Use the left / right arrow buttons directly beneath and to the right to cycle through all available HTML buttons including the generic user-defined buttons.

By default, the "HTML" option will be selected in the Predefined section, and the default buttons will insert text conforming to the HTML 4 standard. If the "XHTML" option is selected, the default HTML tags will update to conform to the XHTML standard.

You can set where the caret will be after an HTML element is inserted into the active document by using the pipe | in the text area, as is supported for templates. For example, typing <td>|</td> would position the caret (or any currently selected text) between <td> and </td>.

You can include a line break in the HTML tag text by using \n.

You can inlcue a tab character in the HTML tag text by copying an actual tab character to the Windows clipboard prior to opening the HTML toolbar configuration dialog and then pasting the tab character into the text area.

When custom tags are associated with generic "HTML user command" buttons, the tooltip text will help to clarify what the button does when clicked. If a customized button is added to the ribbon, it will first be added with its generic name, e.g. "HTML user cmd 01". You can select this in the Customize ribbon dialog and click Rename to provide a more descriptive name.