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Highlighting / braces

View as language Opening the drop down allows you to choose a different syntax highlighting type for the active file based upon the installed wordfiles
Add another language Opens dialog for adding, removing, and opening wordfiles for syntax highlighting
Comment button / add line comment Adds line comments as defined in active file's syntax highlighting wordfile to active line or selected lines
Block comment selection Encloses selected text in block comments as defined in the active file's syntax highlighting wordfile. If block comments already exist in selection and nested comments are not supported, line comments will be inserted instead.
Uncomment / remove line comment Removes line comments from active line or selected lines
Remove block comment Removes selected block comment. Note that the selection must explicitly begin open block comment characters and end with closing comment characters.
Go to brace Moves caret to opening or closing brace matching the brace next to caret. Brace characters are defined in the active file's syntax highlighting wordfile.
Select to brace Selects all text from brace next to caret to the opening or closing matching brace.

HTML / Markdown

Javascript lint Available only in UEStudio only
Invokes third party JavaScript Lint tool to for syntax checking JavaScript source code. For more information see the Javascript Lint website.
HTML tidy Invokes third party HTML tidy tool for syntax checking and reformatting HTML source code.
Browser view Toggles view of active file to rendered browser view directly within the editor using Internet Explorer browser control.
Live preview Toggles side-by-side (split window) view of active HTML or Markdown file and browser preview of the file, allowing you to edit the file in the left pane and see your modifications in real-time on the right pane.
Refresh view Refreshes browser view of active file, if either browswer view or live preview are active.
Style builder Opens CSS style builder dialog.

Insert HTML / Markdown tag

Insert HTML tag Provides quick access method of inserting commonly-used HTML or Markdown tags into the active file. You can hover over each button to see in a tooltip what tag will be inserted. In the case of Markdown files, only bold, italic, ordered and unordered lists will insert Markdown-specific tags; otherwise, HTML tags are inserted.


XML manager Shows or hides the XML manager, which provides a parsed visual representation of the active XML file with options for modifying the XML structure.
Reformat XML Reformats active XML file by inserting hard returns (new lines) and indenting as appropriate to be more human-readable.
Compress XML Reformats active XML file by removing all nonessential whitespace including line breaks, aiming to consolidate the code into a single line and minimize file size.
Run XML Lint Invokes third party XML Lint tool. For more information on commands and use please see the XML Lint website and documentation.
JSON manager Shows or hides the JSON manager used for navigating nodes in JSON files
Reformat JSON Reformats active JSON file by inserting hard returns (new lines) and indenting as appropriate to be more human-readable.
Compress JSON Reformats active JSON file by removing all nonessential whitespace including line breaks, aiming to consolidate the code into a single line and minimize file size.
Reformat JS/CSS Reformats active JavaScript or CSS file by inserting hard returns (new lines) and indenting as appropriate to be more human-readable.
Compress JS/CSS Reformats active JavaScript or CSS file by removing all nonessential whitespace including line breaks, aiming to consolidate the code into a single line and minimize file size.
JavaScript Lint Runs JavaScript Lint to check for syntactical errors in JavaScript source code. Errors and warnings are output to the output window. You can double-click the line in the output window to jump to its location in source. For more information see


Python - Run script Available only in UEStudio only
Runs active Python script. Any console output is written to the output window.
Python - Parameters... Available only in UEStudio only
Opens dialog to set parameters for Python script execution.
Python - Pylint Available only in UEStudio only
Invokes Python Lint parser. For more information on commands and use please see the Python Lint website and documentation.
PHP - Run script Available only in UEStudio only
Runs active PHP script. Any console output is written to the output window.
PHP - Syntax check Available only in UEStudio only
Checks syntax of active PHP script with errors/issues written to the output window.
PHP - Syntax check all Available only in UEStudio only
Checks syntax of all scripts in all open PHP files with errors/issues written to the output window.
PHP - Parse document Available only in UEStudio only
Parses active PHP file and writes output to a new file named "documentname-parsed.php".
PHP - Strip comments Available only in UEStudio only
Strips comments and whitespace from active PHP file, reformats it, and writes output to a new file named "documentname-parsed.php".
PHP - Convert to highlighted HTML Available only in UEStudio only
Converts script to HTML text bracketed by <code> and </code> allowing PHP code to be displayed in an HTML file highlighted as it appears in UEStudio.
PHP - Set PHP executable... Available only in UEStudio only
Allows you to set local location of php.exe.
Ruby - Run script Available only in UEStudio only
Runs active Ruby script. Any console output is written to the output window.
Ruby - Syntax check Available only in UEStudio only
Checks syntax of active Ruby script with errors/issues written to the output window.
Ruby - Command line options Available only in UEStudio only
Allows you to set command line options for running Ruby scripts in UEStudio.


Web search tools Sends highlighted text or word under caret as query string to search engine in your default web browser.


Astyle reformat Reformats source code using third-party Artistic Style library with many configurable options.
Code template When the top button is clicked, the Modify templates dialog is opened. When the drop down beneath the button is opened, a list is shown of all code templates available for the active file based on its syntax highlighting type. Clicking any template will insert it in the active caret position in the file.
Insert class Available only in UEStudio only
Presents dialog to insert C#, C++, or Java class into active project
.NET protector Available only in UEStudio only
Presents the .NET Framework Code Protector dialog. This protects .NET executables against simple disassembly of source code. Works directly with the executable and doesn't need .NET framework installed.
Compute hash Opens a dialog showing computed hashes for selection or entire file (if no selection).
Generate GUID Opens a context menu for inserting a "Globally Unique Identifier" into the active file in one of four available formats
Convert number Converts a selected non-zero number to either binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal

Pages in category "Coding tab"

The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total.