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The Editor display » Code folding branch of Settings includes the following options.

Save folded lines

If this option is selected, the state of folded lines will be stored when a file is closed so that it will be opened in the same state the next time the file is opened. If this option is not selected, all lines will be unfolded the next time a file is loaded regardless of their fold state at the it was closed.

Enable show/hide lines and code folding

This setting enables hiding and showing of selected text and folding and expanding of code blocks within syntax highlighted files. If this is not selected, the folding gutter is removed from the edit window and all folding is disabled.

Enable show/hide lines in non-syntax-highlighted files (above must also be set)

This setting permits text to be hidden in non-syntax-highlighted files and expanded and collapsed using the hide / show features in the View tab. If this is not selected the folding gutter is removed from the edit window in non-syntax-highlighted files and folding is disabled.

Show last line of fold in syntax highlighted files

If this option is selected, the last line of a folded section is displayed in files with syntax highlighting. If this option is not selected, only the initial line of a folded section is displayed.

Automatically unfold hidden areas on Find and Goto

If this option is selected, and a Find or Goto command positions the caret / active line within folded text, that folded level will be unfolded automatically to display the match / line.

Detect XHTML from DTD on file load

If this option is selected, the editor will scan files on open for a DOCTYPE declaration. If a DTD for XHTML 1.0 Strict or XHTML 1.1 is specified, the rules for elements associated with this document type will be respected for code folding and indentation.

Draw graphical lines

If this option is selected and Enable show/hide lines and code folding is selected above, lines are drawn in the folding gutter to the right of the line numbers to indicate where folding nodes begin and end.

Draw indent lines

If this option is selected and Enable show/hide lines and code folding is selected above, lines are drawn within the active file from the first indented line of a fold block to the last indented line of a fold block to indicate where folded sections begin and end.