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Shortcut: Ctrl + F

Quick find is a small search interface designed to provide fast and unobtrusive access to UltraEdit / UEStudio search functionality, similar in design to the search features in most modern browsers. When activated, the quick find dialog becomes visible at the top right of the edit window. Quick find is an optional feature with configurable key mapping. If you don't want to use quick find, you can remove its key mapping in Settings » Key mapping.

left Search
With focus on the quick find input, you can begin typing a string and UltraEdit / UEStudio will perform an incremental search as each character is typed. This is a basic character-to-character search; advanced functions such as regular expressions, case matching, and whole word matching are not available via quick find. Special characters via ^ are supported (^t, ^n, ^p, etc.)

left Find next
You can move to the next occurrence of the search string by either pressing Enter while quick find still has focus, or by clicking the "Next" button next to the input field. If you press Enter to go to the next occurrence, focus will remain in quick find so that you can repeatedly press Enter to step through each match.

left Find previous
You can move to the previous occurrence of the search string by either pressing Ctrl + Enter while quick find still has focus, or by clicking the "Prev" button.

left Expand to find dialog
You can open the find dialog by either pressing Ctrl + F while focus is in quick find, or by pressing the "Expand" button. If you expand to the find dialog while focus is in the quick find dialog, then the find dialog will inherit the search string in the quick find dialog, overriding any existing behavior in regards to selected text / word under caret in the edit window. Once the normal find dialog is opened, quick find will close regardless of whether or not it has focus.

Search history
Only string you type into quick find and then press Enter or one of the other buttons to search for is immediately added to the quick find history, accessed via the drop down next to the search input. The quick find history is stored separately and does not share the regular find dialog's history.

Match highlighting
As you type your search string, the first match is selected (as with clicking "Next" in the Find dialog). All other matches are highlighted with the "Highlight all items" color specified within the active theme. All match highlighting is cleared when you closes the quick find dialog. The active match selection remains even after the quick find dialog is closed.

Returning focus back to quick find
If the quick find dialog has been left open and focus is elsewhere in the application, pressing the shortcut for quick find will not close it, but instead move focus back to it. You can also use Alt + Q to toggle focus between the edit window and quick find.

Closing quick find
You can close quick find by either pressing ESC or by activating the normal Find dialog (if the Find dialog is in a floating state). ESC will always close quick find, even if focus is elsewhere in the application. Quick find takes precedence over the output window (which is also closed with ESC).

Status bar feedback
The leftmost portion of the status bar indicates how many matches are found as each incremental search via quick find is executed in the following format:

Find "search text" – 55 matches