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The following table includes an exhaustive list of all supported macro commands in UltraEdit / UEStudio, including any parameters for the command.

Parameters: Parameters should be set immediately after the macro command, separated by a space. A # in the parameter column a represents a numeric value to be entered for that parameter. Likewise, a "" in the parameter column a string represents a string value to be entered between quotes. The text only describes the meaning of the parameter. All string parameters must be the last parameter.

Command Parameters Description
"" Insert text between the quotes (""). The closing quote must be the last non-space character on the line. The characters to be inserted may cross multiple lines. To insert a quote ("), place it as needed in the text being inserted and ensure the last character is also a quote. To insert just one quote character (") the line should look like this: """

To insert a new line, add a line between the open quote and close quote. To insert two lines with 1 and 2 at the beginning of the lines the command should be as follows:

AnsiToOem Convert file from ANSI to OEM
ASCIIToUnicode Convert file from ASCII to Unicode
ASCIIToUTF8 Convert file from ASCII to UTF-8
Bottom Move caret to very last position in file
CancelSelect Clears any selection in active file
ClearClipboard Clear the contents of the active clipboard within UltraEdit
Clipboard # (Clipboard number 0-9) Select the specified clipboard (0 = Windows clipboard and 1-9 specifies user clipboards)
  • Blank (no parameter)
  • Save forces the file to be saved before closing
  • NoSave closes the file without prompting if the file should first be saved
Close the active file
ColumnCenterJustify Center justify selected columns
ColumnCut # Cut in column mode the selected columns or the specified number of columns from current caret position to bottom of the file. Value "0" must be used to cut the selected columns.
ColumnDelete # Delete in column mode the selected columns or the specified number of columns from current caret position to bottom of the file. Value "0" must be used to delete the selected columns.
ColumnInsert "" Insert string between quotes into selected columns
ColumnInsertNum # (start number)

# (increment value)
LeadingZero (optional)
Hex (optional)

Insert number in selected columns. For example to insert a number starting with number 20 with an increment of -1 (i.e., decrement by 1) with leading zeros in hexadecimal notation at the current column on every selected line or from current line to last line following command must be used:

ColumnInsertNum 20 -1 LeadingZero Hex

ColumnLeftJustify Left justify selected columns
ColumnModeOff Turn column mode off
ColumnModeOn Turn column mode on
ColumnRightJustify Right justify selected columns
CommentAdd Insert the line comment string as defined in the syntax highlighting language used to highlight the current file at start of every selected line or the current line if there is no selection. This command has no affect on a file not highlighted with a syntax highlighting language or when the language has no line comment definition. The caret position does not change and the selection remains.
CommentRemove Remove the line comment string as defined in the syntax highlighting language used to highlight the current file at start of every selected line or the current line if there is no selection. This command has no affect on a file not highlighted with a syntax highlighting language or when the language has no line comment definition. The line comment string must be at start of the line (column 1) without preceding whitespace. A line comment string after one or more spaces or tabs is ignored and not removed. The caret position does not change and the selection remains.
CommentSelectionAdd Insert the "block comment on" string at start and the "block comment off" string at end of a selection as defined in the syntax highlighting language used to highlight the current file. If nothing is selected on execution of the command, both strings are inserted at current caret position. This command has no affect on a file not highlighted with a syntax highlighting language or when the language has no block comment definition. If the selected block contains already a block comment and the language does not support nested blocks comments, command CommentAdd is automatically executed instead of this command for inserting the line comment string at start of every selected line if the language supports a line comment. The caret moves to start of the inserted "block comment on" string and the selection is removed after execution when the block comment strings are inserted.
CommentSelectionRemove Remove the "block comment on" string at start and the "block comment off" string at end of a selection as defined in the syntax highlighting language used to highlight the current file. The command has no affect if nothing is selected on execution of the command. And the command works only if the current selection starts with the "block comment on" string and ends with the "block comment off" string. Whitespace inside the selection before "block comment on" string or after "block comment off" string are not ignored and result in not removing the block comment strings. The caret moves to start of the selection and the selection is removed after execution when the block comment strings are removed.
Copy Copy selected text to the clipboard
CopyAllBookmarkLines Copy all bookmarked lines in active file to clipboard
CopyAppend Copy selected text and append it to the clipboard
CopyFilePath Copy the active file path/name to the clipboard
Cut Cut the selected text from the file to the clipboard
CutAllBookmarkLines Cut all bookmarked lines in active file to clipboard
CutAppend Cut the selected text from the file and append it to the clipboard
DecodeBase64 Converts the selected text from Base64
DecryptFilePrompt Opens the decrypt file dialog prompting for the full path of the file to decrypt and the passphrase to be used as the decryption key
DelAllBookmarkLines Delete currently bookmarked lines in active file
DelAllHiddenLines Delete lines currently hidden/folded in active file.
Delete Delete current character or selected text
DeleteLine Delete the current line
DeleteToEndofLine Delete from the current caret position to the end of the line
DeleteToStartofLine Delete from the current caret position to the start of the line
DOSToMac Convert all line terminators in file to Mac (legacy) format
DOSToUnix Convert all line terminators in file to Unix format
DupeLine Inserts duplicate of active line below caret
Else Else function for an If ... command. Example:

... (macro commands here)
... (do these commands if the IfSel failed)

EncodeBase64 Converts the selected text to Base64
EncryptFilePrompt Opens the encrypt file dialog prompting for the full path of the file to encrypt and the passphrase to be used for encryption
EndIf Ends the block of instructions controlled by the If... statements
EndLoop End of loop - go back to beginning of the loop - see the Loop command
EndSelect Stop selecting text (see StartSelect for details)
EnvTemplate "" (layout template name in quotes) Insert the specified layout (formerly environment) template into the file
ExitLoop Exit loop and go to first command after the loop (after the EndLoop command) - see the Loop command
ExitMacro Exit macro immediately without processing any additional commands or returning an error
Find "" (find string in quotes)

The following parameters are all optional:

AllFiles specifies that search will include all open files
Ascii (hex mode only) specifies an ASCII search in hex mode
MatchCase specifies the search is case sensitive
MatchWord specifies the search string will only match instances that are a complete word
PreserveCase if used the case of the replace string matches the case of the found string, only useful with a following Replace command
RegExp specifies a regular expression search
Up specifies search in reverse direction
SearchInColumn specifies search should be restricted to specified columns. The next two parameters must be the numbers for the starting and the ending column. The column numbering starts with "0" (start of line). The ending column can have the value "-1" which means end of line.
Select specifies the text should be selected from the current selection/position to the end of the search target
SelectText specifies that search will be restricted to currently selected text

Find the string in quotes "" based on the parameters specified. Some examples:

Find a single alphabetic character in any case:

Find RegExp "[A-Z]"

Find a single alphabetic character in upper case only:

Find MatchCase RegExp "[A-Z]"

Find a single character which is NOT 'a' or 'A' or CRLF (UltraEdit syntax):

Find RegExp "[~a^p]"

Find a single character which is NOT 'a' or LF (Unix/Perl syntax):

Find MatchCase RegExp "[^a\n]"

FindInFiles "" (search directory string in quotes)

"" (files/types string in quotes)
"" (search string in quotes)

The following parameters are all optional:

DisplayLinesDoNotMatch limits output to lines not matching the search string
FavFiles if used the search is restricted to files specified under Favorite files in the Application menu
IgnoreHiddenSubDirs if used the search will skip over subdirectories defined as "hidden" in the Windows file system
MatchCase indicates the search is case sensitive
MatchIfNotFound if used the search will return files which do NOT include the specified search string
MatchWord indicates the search string will only match instances that are a complete word
OpenFiles indicates the search should be limited to files currently opened for editing
OpenMatchingFiles if used causes all files matching search parameters to be opened in editor
OutputWin if used returns output of search to output window; if not used output is returned to a new edit window
ProjFiles if used the search is restricted to files specified as part of the active project
Recursive if used the search will continue through all subdirectories of the specified search directory
RegExp indicates a regular expression search
SolFiles (UEStudio only) if used the search is restricted to files specified as part of the active solution (optional, only UEStudio)
Unicode if used the specified search string will be interpreted as multi-byte Unicode string and a Unicode find is executed
UseEncoding if used the specified number will be used to determine the encoding used for the search string

Searches through specified files to find the string in quotes "" based on the parameters specified. The format must be as follows:

FindInFiles OptionalParameters "Initial Directory" "Files/Types" "Search String"

For example:

FindInFiles OutputWin "c:\temp\test\" "*.html" "home"

The Recursive parameter is ignored when the search is in all open files, project files or solution files.

The initial directory and the file/type arguments should be empty strings "" when using FavFiles, OpenFiles, ProjFilesor SolFiles.

FromEBCDIC Convert file to ANSI from EBCDIC format
GetString "" string used as text in the prompt dialog Prompts for a string that is inserted in the file at the current location. The "prompt" is the prompt or question that is displayed to the user when the macro is run. Example:

GetString "What country do you live in?"

GetValue "" string used as text in the prompt dialog Prompts the user for a value that is inserted in the file at the current location. The "prompt" is the prompt or question that is displayed to the user when the macro is run.

GetValue "How old are you?"

GotoBookMark # (index of bookmark to jump to, or -1 to go to next bookmark) Jump to the next/specified bookmark. The indexes start with 0. If you specify an index that is greater than the actual number of bookmarks then caret is automatically set to the next bookmark like when using -1 as bookmark number.
GotoBookMarkSelect # (index of bookmark to select to, or -1 to select to next bookmark) Select all text from the current caret position to the next/specified bookmark. The indexes start with 0. If you specify an index that is greater than the actual number of bookmarks then caret is automatically set to the next bookmark like when using -1 as bookmark number.
GotoEndOfNextWord Jump to end of next word
GotoEndOfNextWordSelect Select all text from current caret position to end of next (immediate right) word
GotoEndOfPrevWord Jump to end of previous word
GotoEndOfPrevWordSelect Select all text from current caret position to end of previous (immediate left) word
GotoLine # #(numeric value of line and column number to jump to Jump to the specified line and column number. Use line number 0 to jump to a specific column in the current line.
GotoLineSelect #(numeric value of line and column number to select to) Select from current caret position to specified line / column number. Use line number 0 to jump to a specific column in the current line while selecting text.
GotoPage #(numeric value of page to jump to) Jump to specified page number
GotoPageSelect #(numeric value of page to select to) Select from current caret position to specified page number
HexDelete #(numeric value specifying number of bytes to delete) Delete the specified number of bytes from the file
HexInsert #(numeric value specifying number of bytes to insert) Insert the specified number of bytes (spaces/hex 20) into the file
HexOff Turn Hex mode off - switch to regular text editing mode
HexOn Turn Hex mode on
HideShowCollapseAll Collapse all foldable code sections in active file
HideShowExpandAll Expand all folded/collapsed lines in active file
HideShowSelection Hide selected lines, or if active line is folded, expand it
IfCharGt "character" or # This checks if the current character at the caret position is greater than the specified character or number specified. The check against a number is not to check the value of a string but the value of the underlying character. Example:

IfCharGt " "
... (do these commands if the current character is greater than a space)

IfCharGt 32
... (do these commands if the current characters decimal value is greater than 32 - a space.)

IfCharIs "string" or # This checks if the current character at the caret position is in the specified string, or matches the decimal number. Example:

IfCharIs "xyz"
... (do these commands if the current character is x, y, or z.)

IfCharIs 34
... (do these commands if the current character is decimal value 34 - a double quote.)

IfColNum # This checks if the current caret position is the specific column number. Example:

IfColNum 10
... (do these commands if the current caret position is column 10. Column 1 is the first column.)

IfColNumGt # This checks if the current caret position is greater than the specific column number. Example:

IfColNumGt 10
... (do these commands if the current caret position is greater than column 10. Column 1 is the first column.)

IfEof This checks if the current caret position is at the end of file. Example:

... (do these commands if at end of file)

IfExtIs "" Checks if the file extension of the active file matches the specified string. If the extension matches, the condition is satisfied and the macro will execute the steps following the IfextIs statement. Example:

IfExtIs "txt"
... (do these commands if the current file extension is txt)

IfFound This checks the results from the last find command in the macro and will execute the next set of instructions up to an "EndIf" if the last search was successful. Example:

Find "something"
... (do these commands if "something" was found)

Note: to avoid a "Not Found" message when running the macro, make sure the "Continue if search string not found" check box is set for the macro properties.

IfFTP This checks if the current file is a file loaded via FTP/SFTP and not a local/network file. Example:

... (do these commands if the file is an FTP loaded file)

IfNameIs "" This checks if the active filename (not path or extension) matches the specified string. If the name matches, the condition is satisfied and the macro will execute the steps following the IfNameIs statement. Example:

IfNameIs "test"
... (do these commands if the current filename is test (irrespective of the file extension))

IfNotFound This checks the results from the last find command in the macro and will execute the next set of instructions up to an "EndIf" if the last search was NOT successful. Example:

Find "something"
... (do these commands if "something" was NOT found.)

Note: to avoid a "Not Found" message when running the macro, make sure the "Continue if a Find with Replace Not Found" check box is set for the macro properties.

IfSel This checks if there is currently any selected text within the active file. Example:

... (do these commands if "something" is selected.)

InsertLine Inserts blank line below current caret position
InsertMode Change text editing mode to insert mode for characters typed
InsertPageBreak Insert a form feed/page break character at the current caret position in the file
InvertCase Invert the case of selected text
  • DEL
  • END
  • HOME
  • PGDN
  • PGUP
  • Ctrl+END
  • Ctrl+HOME
Insert a keyboard command into the macro. Generally used for navigation in the file and for backspace or delete. The "Ctrl+" modifier may be used as with normal editing to modify the command.

For text input the "" string command is used, not the Key command.

LngTemplate "" (language template name in quotes) Insert the specified language template into the file
Loop # Loop # times where # is a number. A value of 0 indicates Loop forever. Example:

Loop 10
... (do these commands 10 times)

If the loop command exists, the application checks for ExitLoop or ExitMacro until an EndLoop command is reached. If neither of these exist, the macro loop will be limited to one iteration only for safety purposes.

MatchBrace Find matching brace and select the text between them
MoveLineDown Moves active line down one line from current position
MoveLineUp Moves active line up one line from current position
NewFile Open a new blank file
Nextfile Switch to next file tab file
NextWindow Switch to next window
OEMtoANSI Convert file from OEM to ANSI
Open "" (file name in quotes) Open the specified file. The filename must be in quotes. Either ^s or ^c can be used in the file name parameter, and UltraEdit / UEStudio will replace this with the currently selected text or clipboard contents, respectively.
OverstrikeMode Change text editing mode to overstrike mode for characters typed
Paste Paste the contents of the clipboard into the file
PerlReOn Switch regular expressions to Perl compatible style regular expressions
PlayMacro # (numeric value specifying number of times to play macro)

"" (macro name in quotes)

Play another macro. Specify the number of times to play the macro first, then the macro name. The macro name must be in quotes and is case sensitive and the macro must already exist and be loaded in UltraEdit / UEStudio. Example:

PlayMacro 5 ReformatCode

PreviousBookmark Jump to the previous bookmark
PreviousBookmarkSelect Select from current caret position to the previous bookmark
PreviousDocument Activate file tab immediately to left of the active tab
PreviousWindow Cycles forward through the most-recently clicked file tab history.
PrjTemplate "" (project template name in quotes) Insert the specified project template into the file
ReIndentSelection Re-indents currently selected text in active file
Replace "" (replace string in quotes)

The following parameters are all optional:

All replaces all occurrences.
AllFiles replaces in all open files (requires All parameter).
SelectText replaces in selected text (requires All parameter).

The Replace command replaces the previously found string with the string specified. This command must follow a Find command in macros.

As with the Find string, the replace string must be in quotes. The closing quote must be the last non-space character on the line.

The replace string may cross multiple lines however, if the last non-space character in any line is a quote it will terminate the string. All special characters permitted by the Replace Command are permitted here.

ReplInFiles "" (search directory string in quotes)

"" (files/types string in quotes)
"" (search string in quotes)
"" (replace string in quotes)

The following parameters are all optional:

FavFiles if used the search is restricted to files specified under Favorite files in the Application menu
IgnoreHiddenSubDirs if used the search will skip over subdirectories defined as "hidden" in the Windows file system
Log creates a list of changed files in the output window
MatchCase indicates the search is case sensitive
MatchWord indicates the search string will only match instances that are a complete word
OpenMatchingFiles if used causes all files matching search parameters to be opened in editor
PreserveCase if used the case of the replace string matches the case of the found string
ProjFiles if used the search is restricted to files specified as part of the active project
Recursive if used the search will continue through all subdirectories of the specified search directory
RegExp indicates a regular expression search
SolFiles (UEStudio only) if used the search is restricted to files specified as part of the active solution (optional, only )
Unicode if used the specified search and replace string will be interpreted as multi-byte Unicode strings and a Unicode replace is executed
UseEncoding if used the specified number will be used to determine the encoding used for the search and replace string

Searches through specified files to find the string in quotes "" based on the parameters specified and replace this as specified. The format must be as follows:

ReplInFiles BoldParameters "Initial Directory" "Files/Types" "Search String" "Replace String"

For example:

ReplInFiles "c:\temp\test\" "*.html" "some Old String" "some New String"

The Recursive parameter is ignored when the search is in all open files, project files or solution files.

The initial directory and the file/type arguments should be empty strings "" when using FavFiles, OpenFiles, ProjFilesor SolFiles.

ReturnToWrap Convert hard returns to word wrap
RunTool "" (case sensitive name of tool to run) Runs a tool. The tool must have been previously configured in UltraEdit / UEStudio.
Save Save active file
SaveAll Save all open files
SaveAs "" (file name) Save the active file as the name specified. The file name must be in quotes. Either ^s or ^c can be used in the file name parameter, and UltraEdit / UEStudio will replace this with the currently selected text or clipboard contents, respectively.
SelectAll Select all text in the file
SelectLine Select all text on active line including line terminator (if it exists). The caret is positioned at the beginning of the next line
SelectToBottom Select all text from the current caret position to the end of file
SelectToTop Select all text from the current caret position to the top of file
SelectWord Select the word under caret (same as double clicking a word)
SortAsc IgnoreCase Ignore case of characters in the sort.

RemoveDup Remove duplicate lines.
RemDupByAllKeys Remove duplicate lines where all specified keys match.
RemDupByAnyKeys Remove duplicate lines where any specified keys match.
RemKey1 Sort columns specified for key 1 used when removing duplicates.
RemKey2 Sort columns specified for key 2 used when removing duplicates.
RemKey3 Sort columns specified for key 3 used when removing duplicates.
RemKey4 Sort columns specified for key 4 used when removing duplicates.
Numeric Sort based on numeric value, not character order. Cannot be used with Alternate or Locale sort.
Alternate Specifies that the sort should use the alternate sort method. With the alternate sort method only a single sort key may be
used. Locale Specifies that the sort should be locale specific. Cannot be used together with the Alternate parameter.
# # (numeric value pairs of sort keys, each value is separated by a space)

Sort the file, or selected text, in ascending order. Example:

SortAsc IgnoreCase RemoveDup Numeric 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0

SortDes IgnoreCase Ignore case of characters in the sort.

RemoveDup Remove duplicate lines.
RemDupByAllKeys Remove duplicate lines where all specified keys match.
RemDupByAnyKeys Remove duplicate lines where any specified keys match.
RemKey1 Sort columns specified for key 1 used when removing duplicates.
RemKey2 Sort columns specified for key 2 used when removing duplicates.
RemKey3 Sort columns specified for key 3 used when removing duplicates.
RemKey4 Sort columns specified for key 4 used when removing duplicates.
Numeric Sort based on numeric value, not character order. Cannot be used with Alternate or Locale sort.
Alternate Specifies that the sort should use the alternate sort method. With the alternate sort method only a single sort key may be
used. Locale Specifies that the sort should be locale specific. Cannot be used together with the Alternate parameter.
# # (numeric value pairs of sort keys, each value is separated by a space)

Sort the file, or selected text, in descending order. Example:

SortDes IgnoreCase RemoveDup Numeric 1 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0

SpacesToTabs Convert (leading) spaces within the file to tabs
SpacesToTabsAll Convert (all) spaces within the file to tabs
StartSelect Start selection. This turns the selection mode on. Any caret movement or positioning will be with selection on and the text is selected. EndSelect will stop the selection mode. The selected text will remain selected until another command causes it not to be selected as with normal editing.
TabsToSpaces Convert all tabs within the file to spaces
  • "" (template name in quotes)
  • # (template number in quotes)
Insert the specified global template into the file
TimeDate Insert the time and date into the file at the current location
ToCaps Capitalize each word in the selected text
ToEBCDIC Convert file to EBCDIC format
ToggleBookmark Set or remove a bookmark at the current line
ToLower Convert the selected text to lower case
Top Move caret to very first position in file
ToUpper Convert the selected text to upper case
TrimLeadingSpaces Trim leading spaces from each line of current file
TrimTrailingSpaces Trim trailing spaces from each line of current file
UltraEditReOn Switch regular expressions to UltraEdit style regular expressions (not Unix)
UnicodeToASCII Convert file from Unicode to ASCII
UnixMactoDos Convert all Unix and Mac line terminators in the active file to DOS format
UnixReOn Switch regular expressions to Unix style regular expressions
UTF8ToASCII Convert file from UTF-8 to ASCII
WrapToReturn # column number at which wrap is performed. Enter 0 to insert returns at the window boundary Convert the file from word wrap to hard returns
XMLConvertToCRLF Converts single-line XML text to indented XML format