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Shortcut: Ctrl+R (when in hex edit mode)

Hex replace provides basic replace functionality while in hex edit mode.

The hex replace dialog includes the following options:

Find what
Enter the hex values to search for in this field. Hex strings should have two characters per byte and each byte can optionally be separated with a space, for example "48 65 78" or "486578".

This field also includes a search history, accessible by clicking the down arrow to open the drop down.

Replace with
Enter the hex values to replace the "Find what" string with in this field. Hex strings should have two characters per byte and each byte can optionally be separated with a space, for example "48 65 78" or "486578".

This field also includes a search history, accessible by clicking the down arrow to open the drop down.

Find next
This will search forward from the current caret position and select the first occurrence of the "Find what" string. Click "Replace" to replace the match with the "Replace with" string.

This will replace the currently selected match (or next match, if there is no selected match) with the "Replace with" string.

Replace all
This will replace all occurrences of the "Find what" string with the "Replace with" string, from the current caret position forward to the end of the file. After the "Replace all" is done, UltraEdit will prompt you with the number of replacements and offer to close the dialog.

Check this option to search for a regular plain text string while in hex edit mode, just as you would while in plain text mode. If this option is set, only the ASCII representation column on the right is searched, and any replacements are done there and the hex view column is then updated as necessary.

Regular expressions (ASCII only)
Check this option to use UltraEdit-style regular expressions in the "Find what" string. This option will only work if Find ASCII is enabled.

When set to down, this will search forward from the current caret position to the next match. When set to up, this will search backward from teh current caret position to the previous match.