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Shortcut: Ctrl+B

Select to brace searches forward in the file from the caret position to find an open or close brace. If an open brace is found, the search continues in a forward direction until a matching close brace is found at the same nest level. If the first brace found is a close brace, the search is performed in the reverse direction until a matching open brace is found at the same nest level. When the matching brace is found, all the text between and including the two braces is selected.

Brace characters are defined in the active file's syntax highlighting wordfile. If no brace characters are specified for the active file's syntax highlighting, or if the active file is plain text (i.e., not being highlighted by a wordfile), the default open and close brace pairs of ( / ), [ / ], and { / } are used.

Additionally, UltraEdit will automatically highlight a matching brace if the match is in view when the caret is positioned to the right or left of a brace.

If the file is syntax highlighted as HTML, matching < and > characters will be highlighted also.