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UltraEdit / UEStudio provides support for Unicode (16-bit wide character, or UTF-16) and UTF-8 files. You can directly edit UTF-8 and UTF-16 files and convert them between ANSI and Unicode formats. UltraEdit / UEStudio will attempt to detect the file's encoding type when the file is loaded. It will look for the FF FE mark for Unicode (UTF-16) files. For UTF-8 it will look for one of the following three occurrences:

  1. Byte order mark (BOM): EF BB BF.
  2. String occurrences "charset=utf-8" or "encoding=utf-8" in the file.
  3. The occurrence of valid UTF-8 multi-byte characters in the first 64KB of the file.

If the file is determined to be Unicode, it will be treated as such and the status bar will indicate this. A Unicode file saved in big endian format will be indicated with "UTF-16BE". A Unicode file saved in little endian format will be indicated with "UTF-16".

If the file is determined to be UTF-8, it will be treated as such and on open, it will be converted internally to Unicode (16-bit) for editing. The status bar will indicate this with "UTF-8". When the file is saved, it will be converted back from Unicode to UTF-8 and saved in this format.

You can convert files between different encoding formats using the two following methods:

The encoding selector in the status bar only changes the encoding used to view the file. It does not actually change the file's underlying encoding type.