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The Editor » Column mode branch of Settings has the following options.

No overstrike of unselected columns

Select this option if you never want overstrike mode to be used with column operations.

Overstrike if in overstrike mode

If this option is selected, the column operations operate either in insert mode (as default) or overstrike/overpaste mode based on the insert/overstrike keyboard setting. This is toggled by the Insert key and shows on the status bar. If in overstrike mode, cut and delete operations will remove the contents but leave spaces so that column data is not shifted. Paste operations will paste over the current position data and not shift columns either.

Always overstrike unselected columns

Select this option if you always wish to be in overstrike mode while in column mode.

Automatically populate sort fields when in column mode

When text is selected in column mode and this option is selected, the column values for the current selection will be used to automatically populate sort fields in the Advanced sort / options dialog when Sort is invoked.

Paste into all selected columns when clipboard contains less than 1 line

If this option is selected, and a multi-line selection exists in column mode, a single string copied to the clipboard will paste to all selected lines. If this option is not selected, the column mode paste would only apply to the first selected line.

See also: