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The Application layout » File tabs » Miscellaneous branch of Settings has the following options.'

Double-click tab will close file

If selected, double-clicking on an open file tab will close the associated file. This option is selected by default.

Middle-button-click will close file

If selected, clicking the middle mouse button on an open file tab will close the associated file. This option is selected by default.

After current tab is closed, move to:

Using this option, you can specify which file tab the editor should move focus to when the active tab is closed.

Sort tabs on file open

If selected, file tabs will automatically be sorted by name, path, extension, or modification date when one or more file(s) is opened, or during startup as files are reloaded.

Display status icons

If selected, icons will be displayed in file tabs to indicate the status of the associated file. Icons include the following:

Icon Meaning
Ft new.png New file (unsaved)
Ft unsaved.png Local modified file (unsaved)
Ft saved.png Local modified file (saved)
Ft unsaved ftp.png Modified FTP file (unsaved)
Ft saved ftp.png Modified FTP file (saved)
Ft read-only.png Read-only file

If no icon is displayed, this means that the file has not been modified since it was opened.