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The Run DOS command and Run Windows program options in the "Advanced" tab open a dialog where you can enter a DOS or Windows command to run from within UltraEdit. In the case of a DOS command, the results of the command are captured and automatically displayed with UltraEdit at the completion of the command. In the case of a Windows program, no output is captured.

The dialog includes the following options:

If you wish to run a DOS batch file or an executable Windows program, this is the full path to the file to be executed, unless it is in the Windows directory or the Windows System directory.

Working directory
The full path of the working directory. Leave blank if not required.

The above two fields support a special syntax which allows variables, such as the active file's path and name, to be passed to the command or program. The following table details all available variables.

All examples provided below are based upon a hypothetical file path D:\work\Dev Projects\Cycle One\some file.c.

Placeholder Meaning
%F Active file's full path and name (short version)
Example: D:\work\DEVPRO~1\CYCLEO~1\SOMEFI~1.C
%f Active file's full path and name (long version). Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the file path or name might contain spaces.
Example: D:\work\Dev Projects\Cycle One\some file.c
%P Active file's full path (short version)
Example: D:\work\DEVPRO~1\CYCLEO~1\
%p Active file's full path (long version). Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the file path might contain spaces.
Example: D:\work\Dev Projects\Cycle One\
%P Active file's name only (short version)
Example: SOMEFI~1
%p Active file's name only (long version). Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the name might contain spaces.
Example: some file
%E Active file's extension only (short version)
Example: .C
%e Active file's extension only (long version). Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the extension might contain spaces.
Example: .c
%R Active project's full path and name (short version), similar to %F above.
%r Active project's full path and name (long version), similar to %f above. Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the path or name might contain spaces.
%RP Active project's full path (short version), similar to %P above.
%rp Active project's full path (long version), similar to %p above. Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the project path might contain spaces.
%RN Active project's name (short version), similar to %N above.
%rn Active project's full path (long version), similar to %n above. Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the project path might contain spaces.
%modify% Using this placeholder will allow you to specify any arbitrary command line argument(s) (in its place) in a dialog prompt when the command is run.
%sel% Selected text. Make sure to encapsulate in quotes if the selection might contain spaces.
%Env: An existing environment variable. The environment variable must immediately follow "%Env:".
Example: %Env:TEMP would be replaced with C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\Local\Temp
%line% Current line number in active file (based on first line number of 1)
%col% Current column number in active file (based on first column number of 1)

Show DOS box ("Run DOS command" only)
If checked, the DOS box will be displayed to display the console contents as the command is running.

Handle output as ("Run DOS command" only)
This allows you to specify the encoding to use when displaying the output returned from the DOS command. The output is not actually converted but is treated / handled with whatever encoding you set here. Selecting UTF-16 here will cause the command prompt to be internally invoked with the "/u" flag, creating a Unicode (UTF-16) DOS command prompt before the command is run.

See also: