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Shortcut: Ctrl+P, Ctrl+S

Persistent selection allows selection mode to remain active without holding Shift or clicking and dragging the mouse so that you can move to other parts of the file without cancelling selection mode. Once this mode is active, you can set the selection (through keyboard commands or cursor movement) and then end persistent selection by selecting this option again or pressing its keyboard shortcut again.

It is not necessary to hold the Shift key while defining this selection. However, the anchor point for the active selection can be changed by holding down the Ctrl key and left-clicking with the mouse at the desired file position.

Once the selection has been defined, if you move the caret to another position and type, the selection will be dismissed and text inserted at the current caret position. If the selection is defined and the caret is not moved, any typing would replace the selected text (or in the case of Backspace or Delete would remove the selected text).