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The "Customize" dialog used for ribbon customization

You can customize the Ribbon by right-clicking on it and selecting "Customize the ribbon..." from the context menu. This will open the "Customize" dialog, as shown to the right.

To customize the ribbon, you need to create a new group within an existing or new category (tab). It is not possible to customize the default groups. (This is so that new versions of the application can update default groups with new functionality and commands, without disrupting your customizations.)

You can create a new category (tab) by clicking the New Tab button beneath the ribbon command list on the right. With the new category selected, click the Rename... button to make the cateogry name editable and provide it with a unique name.

You can create a new group within an existing or new category by clicking the New Group button beneath the ribbon command list on the right. With the new group selected, click the Rename... button to make the group name editable and provide it with a unique name. This name will be shown for the group at the bottom of the ribbon.

With the custom group selected, you can then select commands and icons from the commands list in the left column. To see all available commands, select "All commands" in the Choose commands from drop down. Commands are sorted alphabetically in this list, and you can search and jump to commands by quickly typing their names while focus is in this list. You will also see named macros and scripts available to be added as well, if any are loaded.

With a command selected, click the Add > > button to add it to the selected group in the ribbon. Use the ▲ and ▼ arrow buttons on the far right to rearrange the order of items in the active group. Click the < < Remove to remove the selected item from the group.

You can also access any of the above functionality in the context menu of the ribbon command list on the right.

You can always revert the ribbon back to its default state, thereby deleting all of your customizations, by clicking the Reset button.