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Reindent selection reindents selected text in active file
Add indents presents a dialog to allow adding indentation from selected rows of text
Remove indents presents a dialog to allow removing indentation from selected rows of text


To uppercase converts the selected text to upper case
To lowercase converts the selected text to lower case
Capitalize capitalizes the first character of each word in selected text
Invert case inverts the case (lower/upper) of each character in selected text
Tabs to spaces converts tabs to spaces
Spaces to tabs (all) converts all spaces to tabs
Spaces to tabs (leading) converts leading spaces to tabs
Wrap to line ends converts word wrap to hard CR/LFs for complete file
Line ends to wrap converts CR/LFs to Word Wrap for selected text


Trim Leading Spaces trims all leading whitespace (tabs, spaces) from each line
Trim Trailing Spaces Trims all trailing whitespace (tabs, spaces) from each line. The File handling:Save section of Settings includes a setting for trimming trailing spaces automatically when a file is saved


Reformat reformats paragraph to wrap a column
Setup shows Reformatting Options dialog
Left align paragraph aligns text against the left margin and will not extend past the right margin
Center align paragraph centers text between the left and right margins
Right align paragraph aligns text against the right margin and will not extend past the left margin
Fill paragraph aligns text between the right and left margins with spaces added between words to ensure alignment to both margins