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UltraEdit / UEStudio supports several command line parameters for launching the application from the Windows command prompt. By default, UltraEdit / UEStudio are added to your user %PATH% environment variable so you can invoke the application from any directory. UltraEdit can be invoked from the command line by using either uedit32 or uedit64 for the 32-bit and 64-bit versions, respectively. UEStudio (both 32-bit and 64-bit) can be invoked from the command line by using uestudio.

Opening files

You can open a file in UltraEdit via the command line by entering the file path/name immediately after the application name. For example: uedit64 d:\projects\juce\juce.h

You can open multiple files by:

  • Listing each file separately via a space. Example:uedit64 file1.txt file2.txt "some file with spaces.txt"
  • Using a wildcard (*). In the below example, all files in directory C:\temp with a file extension of .c would be opened in UltraEdit:uedit64 d:\temp\*.c
  • Using the /f parameter set to a text file containing a list of file names. The text file should contain a list of file paths and names, one per line. Example:uedit64 /f=c:\temp\file_list.txt
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